The Path Starts Here

This blog/website path begins with what I’ve done so far—* curriculum development * writing and editing * children's and general trade publishing * print and digital delivery--see my Curriculum Vitae for projects past and present.
• See a short summary of paths I’ve been on in “About Me.”
• Find what I do for hire listed under “Services.”
Looking forward to others crossing paths through this blog/website.

Story making is our medium

for coming to terms

with the surprises and oddities

of the human condition." --Jerome Bruner

Monday, May 13, 2013

Some Max Perkins' Guidelines to Editors

Naturally, Max Perkins was a complex man. But any editor will see him as basically: Max the editor.

Maybe the most important words he left for young, old, and middle editors were these: “Don’t ever get to feeling important about yourself, because an editor at most releases energy. He creates nothing.”

“Releasing energy” is no small deal. Any writer know the benefit of that external boost of energy to one’s writing. For Max, it was smart energy. It was an energy based on extraordinary care. It was said of him often that he cared as much for the work as the author did.

Max, who lived and breathed a love for words and their upending and enduring value when used well, had many of his own words for editors and for living

  • Generalizations are of no use. Focus on the specific—and draw out the action. 

  • ·       Revere the writer, for he or she is “under the compulsion of genius.”

  • ·       (On the importance of content) Pack a sentence with dimension and intensity; make the paragraph carry a heavy load. 

  • ·       (On choosing a career) If a man [or woman] will only stick to the thing he or she loves most, he will do it right and end right.

  • ·       (On parenting) The only rule I knew was not ever to let hostility grow between you and your child whatever happened.

  • ·       (On the editor’s place) The editor at best serves as handmaiden to authors.

  • ·       (On the writer) The book belongs to the author. A writer’s best work comes entirely from himself or herself.

  • ·       (On politics—in the 1940s) My opinion is that we’ll never know a really peaceful time again. What of it. What is life but taking a licking. 

Not a pessimist, but a realist; Max demanded the utmost reach of his writers—and the same utmost from the writers’ “handmaidens.”

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